user4628739 comments

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26-December-2023 Tuesday
Reply to RzhavyjVerstak in “No, it seemed”

25-December-2023 Monday
Is not it so ?

24-November-2023 Friday
Shortage in the USSR

16-November-2023 Thursday
Reply to certonatus in “What will happen if Russia agrees to go to the 1991 borders and ends the Northern Military District, according to some pikabushniki”

15-November-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post “For those who like to jerk off to the past”

13-May-2023 Saturday
Giant NATO ammunition depots destroyed, ex-adviser to the President of Ukraine admitted

02-May-2023 Tuesday
How to understand that a squirrel is from Russia:

12-April-2023 Wednesday
For Cosmonautics Day - all Soviet space science fiction films (from "Aelita" to "It's hard to be a god")

03-April-2023 Monday
How to come to terms with the fact that no man needs me?

30-March-2023 Thursday
Why do men choose the “wrong women” after divorce?

16-March-2023 Thursday
"Total Recall": other people's memories are terribly beautiful

15-March-2023 Wednesday
The answer to the post "What to do with jam that has bloomed: the causes of mold and how to solve the problem"

31-January-2023 Tuesday
hand praying mantis

13-November-2022 Sunday
A little about radiation on the fingers (2)

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