eth001x posts

04-February-2024 Sunday
The impact of unlocks on the price of a token at the moment

02-February-2024 Friday
Don't pay money for courses, don't waste time on TA in crypto

01-February-2024 Thursday
“If I bought, the coin falls, if I sold, the coin went up in price” Worldwide conspiracy?

31-January-2024 Wednesday
Bets are in, no more bets. Or how casinos pretend to be financial instruments

30-January-2024 Tuesday
Many market participants have not yet returned from the kingdom of Peter Pan and, despite their age, still believe in fairy tales

30-January-2024 Tuesday
The main shieldcoin on the market. Bitcoin

30-January-2024 Tuesday
“The other side of the crypt” or “Why a bee, even seeing a beekeeper, continues to think that it works for itself”
