entropic comments, page 266

06-April-2022 Wednesday
Ukrainians cancel another exchange of prisoners of war

06-April-2022 Wednesday
Zhirinovsky speaks in PACE in 1999

05-April-2022 Tuesday
Response to the post "My view on the events in Bucha"

04-April-2022 Monday
The New York Times posted pictures of butchi...

04-April-2022 Monday
Released from captivity told how Ukrainian nationalists treated officers

04-April-2022 Monday
And on the third day, Keen Eye noticed that the barn did not have one wall.

04-April-2022 Monday
Continuation of delirium from the Ukrainian authorities

04-April-2022 Monday
The pest ruined the stop

04-April-2022 Monday
The whole truth about the Ukrainian media

03-April-2022 Sunday
On April 2, the National Police of Ukraine published a video of the mopping up of butchi, where there are no corpses

03-April-2022 Sunday
My view on the events in Bucha

03-April-2022 Sunday
Sunday Times writes that this is the new Srebrenica
