entropic comments, page 274

19-April-2022 Tuesday
Are things made in China contagious?

19-April-2022 Tuesday
The essence of the Ukrainian regime

19-April-2022 Tuesday
Well, Tinkov, wait!

19-April-2022 Tuesday
These bots are everywhere!!!! Pamagite

19-April-2022 Tuesday
Armchair, oh military analyst

19-April-2022 Tuesday
Afee's response is "Rallies in support of Russia are taking place in Belgrade. Let's thank the Serbs in Moscow?"

19-April-2022 Tuesday
Response to the post "Summary of April 19 from Mikhail Onufrienko: 16:00"

19-April-2022 Tuesday
When you parody Robert De Niro

19-April-2022 Tuesday
While there is a special operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, stubbornly dividing the regions of our country :)

19-April-2022 Tuesday
You don't understand, this is different

19-April-2022 Tuesday
Response to the post "The difference in the history of Russia and Ukraine, or why the Khokhli no longer believe in the story of the "big brother""

19-April-2022 Tuesday
How easy it is to end the conflict between the Russian Federation and the fascists

19-April-2022 Tuesday
"at this stage"
