burz00m comments, page 2

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08-November-2016 Tuesday
Another bydloservis, I heard they like it here.

07-November-2016 Monday
Another redneck service, I heard they like it here

07-November-2016 Monday
The correct shape of the sausage

02-November-2016 Wednesday
The life of a troglodyte

20-October-2016 Thursday
Late evening...

15-October-2016 Saturday
looking for accident witnesses

27-September-2016 Tuesday
About yesterday's news from Belarus.

27-September-2016 Tuesday
Grandmother with claustrophobia couldn't get out of the toilet

25-September-2016 Sunday
Fight in Yanino in the skate park.

22-September-2016 Thursday
For such beautiful moments, you should fall in love with autumn.

21-September-2016 Wednesday
Because of the insolent eighth-grader, the young teacher was forced to quit school

13-September-2016 Tuesday
Why you shouldn't give away things

13-September-2016 Tuesday
WADA - and who are they after that?

24-August-2016 Wednesday
My last name is too famous

22-August-2016 Monday
About drunk driving

07-August-2016 Sunday
Deputy of the Rada spoke about the rape of infants by fighters "Tornado"

03-July-2016 Sunday
When I found out that the Snow Maiden was a disguised man ...

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