bormoglot8 posts

15-February-2017 Wednesday
And again about wiring !!!

15-February-2017 Wednesday
About 50 shades

15-February-2017 Wednesday
And how did you want?

14-February-2017 Tuesday
February 23 - March 8

14-February-2017 Tuesday
Conclusions and conclusion

14-February-2017 Tuesday
Peter and the Petersburgers

13-February-2017 Monday
Irony of fate or dEbil twice

12-February-2017 Sunday
In continuation of the post "about this"

12-February-2017 Sunday
About it ...

11-February-2017 Saturday
About my wife's diet

05-February-2017 Sunday
vintage granny

03-February-2017 Friday
Purely neighing at how we are considered morons !!!!

02-February-2017 Thursday
Need for fiction ... ?

30-December-2016 Friday
Crows music lovers

29-December-2016 Thursday
Found a cat

26-December-2016 Monday
From the series "You Wrong Number"

23-December-2016 Friday
Who drinks my coffee?
