abhtvfyc posts, page 14

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03-June-2020 Wednesday
Post #7494912

03-June-2020 Wednesday
Post #7494887

03-June-2020 Wednesday
Post #7494795

21-January-2020 Tuesday
A multiple increase in foreign investment is expected in Russia!!!!

21-January-2020 Tuesday
Electric shock. The fuel price for Toyota Camry is cheaper than for Tesla Model 3

20-January-2020 Monday
And yet, developers will be helped...at state expense (not to the poorest citizens of this country)

20-January-2020 Monday
To think or to believe.....that is the question

20-January-2020 Monday
How to get a mortgage from a large metropolis at 3%....Novosibirsk life hack)))

20-January-2020 Monday
Grudinin about the president's message.....the guy will either sit down or prepare for the elections))))

20-January-2020 Monday
A mortgage at 2% is a good thing or a way to saturate developers and people affiliated in this business?

20-January-2020 Monday
Will we get out of the demographic hole...or will we be replaced by more prolific southern “Russians”?

20-January-2020 Monday
Is China ahead of the rest again?)))

20-January-2020 Monday
A new way for “also Russians” to make money or 282?

18-January-2020 Saturday
Apartments in the regions will be distributed free of charge...

04-January-2020 Saturday
Are they learning from their hometown?

04-January-2020 Saturday
The President wrote off loans to pensioners.....but in Mongolia

03-January-2020 Friday
Modern society in the West...

03-January-2020 Friday
What do we know about sperm?

30-December-2019 Monday
An ordinary miracle...

20-December-2019 Friday

20-December-2019 Friday
We want it like in France....no matter what it is like in Ukraine

20-December-2019 Friday
We will support Ukraine for five years...

20-December-2019 Friday
If only there was no war?

20-December-2019 Friday
Didn't work...

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