abhtvfyc posts

[14] [2] [1]

16-August-2019 Friday
Non-brothers break through another bottom ....

15-August-2019 Thursday
And the Kalash was well finalized ..... I watched at a speed of 1,5

15-August-2019 Thursday
Will we patrol the border with Europe in the future with China?

14-August-2019 Wednesday
Facebook paid hundreds of contractors to listen to users' audio messages

14-August-2019 Wednesday
Luxembourg court decides to enforce arbitration award to recover $2.6 billion from Gazprom

14-August-2019 Wednesday
Are we left without "petrels"?

13-August-2019 Tuesday
And what about food in the Army?

13-August-2019 Tuesday
Carthage must be destroyed....

13-August-2019 Tuesday
Maidan in Hong Kong

12-August-2019 Monday
For those who read the Marauder and the Rat Tower (a terrible apocalypse), it is necessary to stock up not on ink, but on fiber optics and glasses.

12-August-2019 Monday
As always, the stupid and unprotected suffer .....

12-August-2019 Monday
1.5% of the inhabitants of the Russian Empire (nobles), what did they lose during the revolution?

11-August-2019 Sunday
Communists of the Russian Federation barchuks?

11-August-2019 Sunday
Makarevich merged?

10-August-2019 Saturday
Return from the ban))) ...... actor Anatoly Pashinin and his wrong choice?

03-August-2019 Saturday
We need to negotiate ..... or it will really be like in Ukraine

02-August-2019 Friday
Here's how to plan something in this country ..... I'm talking about sore

01-August-2019 Thursday
A terrible trend is "officer honor .... haven't heard, so how much does helica rental cost?"

31-July-2019 Wednesday
Buy before December 1st? FSE rises in price and salary remains at the same level ...

30-July-2019 Tuesday
A post about taxes and the admiration of capitalists for our taxation ..... someone is probably bringing a social explosion closer?

29-July-2019 Monday
Soon this friendship will come back to haunt us .....

28-July-2019 Sunday
When will you steal the creatures???

27-July-2019 Saturday
Is the death penalty a simple solution to complex issues?

26-July-2019 Friday
When morality is violated in the state, the social contract of citizens fails....

25-July-2019 Thursday
People from other professions began to join the cashier challenge.

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