Zvezdato posts

12-January-2022 Wednesday
What awaits Russia in the year of the blue water tiger? In what areas of life are we waiting for change?

11-January-2022 Tuesday
What awaits Russia in the coming New Year? How to behave so that your affairs are accompanied by success?

08-January-2022 Saturday
New Year's magic opens the veil of secrecy of the future. What awaits our country in 2022? What is the source of our strength and what to bet on

14-January-2020 Tuesday
Runic prediction of the northern witch for 2020

14-January-2020 Tuesday
Slavic astrological forecast for 2020 from Margarita Makarova

14-January-2020 Tuesday
Slavic astrological forecast for 2020 from Margarita Makarova

21-April-2019 Sunday
Have you already seen these bold videos from Odintsovo? This is what I understand - modern deputies! And I want to support them!))

24-June-2016 Friday
Appeal of WWII veterans to the world

08-May-2016 Sunday
Why "Echo of Moscow" does not like May 9 ... (Song)

07-May-2016 Saturday
The Arctic - foggy Albion, inaccessible to mere mortals

29-April-2016 Friday
Why are Russian politicians afraid of the Internet?

26-April-2016 Tuesday
Roizman must go

25-April-2016 Monday
What Dmitry Gusev forced Muscovites to do!

23-April-2016 Saturday
The hardest thing is not to decide - but to start!

22-April-2016 Friday
How Dmitry Morozov almost became Minister of Health

12-December-2015 Saturday
Search for the truth! Syria is a point of no return!? III-world? Or the end of ISIS?

11-November-2015 Wednesday
Ukraine is an uncontrolled monster, generated by the USA.

09-June-2015 Tuesday
Agent "Stepan - 100 euros" On June 5, the Okolokreml website published news about the detention of a Lithuanian agent in Kaliningrad

09-September-2014 Tuesday
Milli Firka & Mejlis, who else do the people of Ukraine and Russia need more?!
