RussiaPage 2
09-September-2014 Tuesday
Russia is suing Ukraine for 1 billion dollars for war damages.
09-September-2014 Tuesday
Milli Firka & Mejlis, who else do the people of Ukraine and Russia need more?!
13-August-2014 Wednesday
Russian G7
03-August-2014 Sunday
Ukraine swears
13-July-2014 Sunday
In one word IMHO)
05-June-2014 Thursday
30-May-2014 Friday
In light of recent events
23-May-2014 Friday
Soon!!! In all countries of the world! Don't miss it! =)
21-May-2014 Wednesday
Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping raise their glasses to a historic gas contract
20-May-2014 Tuesday
03-April-2014 Thursday
In the field of recent events
14-March-2014 Friday
The daily routine for the inhabitants of the Crimea as part of Russia.