ValiaDis comments, page 3

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08-June-2021 Tuesday
Slideshow of a trip to the Kola Peninsula

28-April-2021 Wednesday
Legal Stories #317: Ghost Cars

20-April-2020 Monday
In response to "Why I don't trust child support fundraisers"

19-April-2020 Sunday
I'm waiting

21-February-2020 Friday
Post #7243992

26-December-2019 Thursday
Evening of memories in the feed. Conclusion

18-December-2019 Wednesday
Panin's St. Petersburg adventures: he drank, lost his temper and ended up in prison. Panin was treated and returned to the police

02-June-2019 Sunday
What kind of beast?

07-April-2019 Sunday
Looking for a song

04-March-2019 Monday
Post of sadness and shame

26-February-2019 Tuesday
bus etiquette

22-January-2019 Tuesday
How the stabilization system works on modern cars

13-December-2018 Thursday
Builders notes. part 9

05-October-2018 Friday
Turn signals

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