ValiaDis comments

[4] [2] [1]

27-February-2017 Monday
Islamists and Ukrainians staged a Sabbath on the border with Crimea

12-December-2016 Monday
Are people interested?

12-December-2016 Monday
Peekaboo Construction Company?

28-August-2016 Sunday
Relationship with prisoner

07-August-2016 Sunday
School swindlers or 2 friends of Ocean

21-June-2016 Tuesday
Investments in debt obligations of banks.

01-May-2016 Sunday
Peekaboo help me find out what it is

27-April-2016 Wednesday

05-March-2016 Saturday
05/03 We took the cat to the surgeon

27-December-2015 Sunday
How did I go to the gym?

20-December-2015 Sunday
Oh my brain.

06-December-2015 Sunday
To the topic of SVD

06-December-2015 Sunday
Funny joke

23-April-2014 Wednesday
Horror in the swamp

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