SuturdayLive posts, page 5

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15-May-2017 Monday
How suckers are bred

11-May-2017 Thursday
About the bloody Bolsheviks

10-May-2017 Wednesday
"Speech garbich" or how the language of Russians abroad is changing

02-May-2017 Tuesday
How the main road of the country was built

28-April-2017 Friday
How the inhabitants of Koenigsberg were expelled from Kaliningrad

17-April-2017 Monday
Why is Russian animation popular with foreigners?

05-April-2017 Wednesday
The Kremlin asked not to punish schoolchildren and students for participating in rallies

23-March-2017 Thursday
European classic for children. "The tale of the mole who wanted to know who pooped on his head"

21-March-2017 Tuesday
Robbie Williams wants to replace Samoilova at Eurovision

16-March-2017 Thursday
When there is no more strength to live in the trash

20-February-2017 Monday
Tattoo, Letov and Frank Sinatra. What Russian songs do foreigners know?

20-February-2017 Monday
Relations between the US and Russia through the eyes of an American

16-February-2017 Thursday
Foreigners voluntarily become agents of the Kremlin

14-February-2017 Tuesday
"Russians in Latvia fatten, but Latvians feel bad." How kindness is used in Riga against Russia

13-February-2017 Monday
Petersburger in the USA: "Coming to Russia, I feel more free"

13-February-2017 Monday
Russian activity in the Arctic alarmed the British media

10-February-2017 Friday
Soviet Union through the eyes of an American photographer

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