Kevin56 comments

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24-May-2013 Friday
*Headline about stupid screenwriters*

23-May-2013 Thursday

22-May-2013 Wednesday

21-May-2013 Tuesday
That awkward moment when you didn't get the joke but smiled because everyone laughs.

21-May-2013 Tuesday
When mother's adult friends say: "What a groom has grown up, he probably already kisses girls"

21-May-2013 Tuesday
What New York would look like on other planets. (Careful long post)

22-April-2013 Monday
Movie blooper?

22-April-2013 Monday
How much is our honor worth?

22-April-2013 Monday
What flavor and color do you like?

22-April-2013 Monday
Who would have thought..

22-April-2013 Monday

21-April-2013 Sunday
An exceptionally beautiful phenomenon on Lake Baikal. In March, the lake cracks and such blocks of purest ice form.

21-April-2013 Sunday
I was in heaven!!! I was there)))

21-April-2013 Sunday
This is how I have fun at work

25-March-2013 Monday
Come here, aggressor in the comments!

24-March-2013 Sunday
When a girl asks for your car...

24-February-2013 Sunday
The girl is smart! (+ in comments)

24-February-2013 Sunday
That same feeling ...

24-February-2013 Sunday
Yes, no one here likes cosplay, but this guy did his best...

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