29-November-2023 Wednesday
Tricky question
28-November-2023 Tuesday
The choice is obvious
28-November-2023 Tuesday
Not only does he eat my cooking, he also washes the dishes...
26-November-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post “How did you marry for love”
26-November-2023 Sunday
Gender equality...
25-November-2023 Saturday
How did you marry for love?
24-November-2023 Friday
Does anyone know why married people sit in the NW?
22-November-2023 Wednesday
About clothes
22-November-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post “The State Duma called having a child in Russia a “ticket to poverty””
20-November-2023 Monday
Who's the sucker?
18-November-2023 Saturday
18-November-2023 Saturday
This is how life has turned out!...
18-November-2023 Saturday
17-November-2023 Friday
12-November-2023 Sunday
On the river
10-November-2023 Friday
Where is the logic ?
09-November-2023 Thursday
Principles of relationships with women
09-November-2023 Thursday
30 questions to discuss with your partner before marriage
22-October-2023 Sunday
And it's just rubber
21-October-2023 Saturday