Ghcdh6r4rd.p comments

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12-April-2023 Wednesday
Better close the shower door

09-April-2023 Sunday
Gopnik ladies masquerading as aristocrats

07-April-2023 Friday
Irkutsk. Beggar with a child in the supermarket "Slata"

30-March-2023 Thursday
5-hour stream on PARAMETERS. All algebra for No. 17 from scratch to the level of the Unified State Examination 2023

09-March-2023 Thursday
Situations when a person pretends to be an expert, not knowing that you are a professional in this matter

17-February-2023 Friday
The only normal obsession

29-January-2023 Sunday
We tied these Russian girls and then slightly ironed them with our caterpillars

18-January-2023 Wednesday
How to wake up without an alarm clock?

15-January-2023 Sunday
Response to the post “For people who grew up in poverty, what did you think was luxury then?”

23-December-2022 Friday
We are both in the 10%

11-December-2022 Sunday
A mother of many children nurses a hopeless, according to doctors, patient

09-December-2022 Friday
Will you marry me

06-August-2022 Saturday
Personal barista

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