FreshAngry comments, page 3

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02-March-2022 Wednesday
I wonder if Russian bloggers receive the same advertising money as before?

23-February-2022 Wednesday
Fuck. Level - got it

22-February-2022 Tuesday
Our prayers were answered

20-February-2022 Sunday
The US Embassy warned its citizens about possible terrorist attacks in Russia

17-February-2022 Thursday
Alexandra Trusova became the first figure skater in history to make five quadruple jumps

15-February-2022 Tuesday
The village of lawyers from the movie "Route 60" was supposed to be Anapa!

09-December-2021 Thursday
I propose to introduce a death penalty for the rape of women in Russia...

05-December-2021 Sunday
How to start repairs in a new building (monolith)?help please, I do not understand anything (((

03-December-2021 Friday
The mayor did not take out the conversation

02-December-2021 Thursday
Frame house in Vladivostok (Artyom)

30-November-2021 Tuesday
Battlefield 2042 Reviews

30-November-2021 Tuesday
Mamkin businessman

26-November-2021 Friday
Reply to "Protest"

25-November-2021 Thursday
And salt in a matchbox...

22-November-2021 Monday
The State Duma opposed the ban on mentioning the nationality of the criminal in the media

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