FreshAngry comments

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07-October-2021 Thursday
Reply to the post "With balls rolling on the floor"

06-October-2021 Wednesday
The girl beaten by three Dagestanis in the Moscow metro spoke about his condition

06-October-2021 Wednesday
The incredible happened: a 74.5-hectare trash can was reclaimed in Chelyabinsk

06-October-2021 Wednesday
How to deal with juvenile bullies?

06-October-2021 Wednesday
Torture in the Saratov region, just a guess...

05-October-2021 Tuesday
Create a society of divorced men

05-October-2021 Tuesday
Guys, how much will learning English cost?

03-October-2021 Sunday
And somewhere in another universe, deputies are elected dynamically!

03-October-2021 Sunday
"Deal with it yourself": In Novosibirsk, high school students broke a boy's spine in front of teachers

03-October-2021 Sunday
Response to the post “IT courses will be partially paid by the state”

01-October-2021 Friday
The question is ripe

26-September-2021 Sunday
Pikabushnik-IT people, I ask for your help!

29-August-2021 Sunday
What technology has come to ...

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