Crait140 comments

[8] [2] [1]

12-September-2020 Saturday
Yandex.Taxi overdid it. They hired a taxi driver and punished him, although the complaint was about the app

12-September-2020 Saturday
How to Check Your Car Using an Ultraviolet Flashlight

02-September-2020 Wednesday
Reply to the post “What’s wrong, I say I’ll deliver it for free, they close the door and leave”

28-August-2020 Friday
As deputy Minister of Defense rides around Moscow

23-August-2020 Sunday
Are they having an aggravation?

22-August-2020 Saturday
"Black Pearl" or how to occupy yourself for six months

12-August-2020 Wednesday
Hey, Sberbank management!

11-August-2020 Tuesday
Found license plate number O125AE98

02-August-2020 Sunday
Divorce scheme in Yandex Taxi

25-April-2020 Saturday
Myths and truth about Maine Coons

04-April-2020 Saturday
Taxi drivers businessmen

01-April-2020 Wednesday
Observations about how our banks protect us and our money

[8] [2] [1]
