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18-July-2022 Monday
A bill was submitted to the State Duma equating “LGBT propaganda” with inciting ethnic hatred

10-February-2022 Thursday
The court issued a verdict in the case of the "FSB explosion in Minecraft". One of the defendants, 16-year-old Nikita Uvarov, received five years in prison.

09-February-2022 Wednesday
The draft presidential decree on "spiritual bonds" was discussed in the Civic Chamber

15-December-2021 Wednesday
Serfdom? The State Duma approved a bill that will oblige young athletes to pay compensation when moving to foreign clubs

15-December-2021 Wednesday
The American probe "Parker" became the first spacecraft that "touched" the Sun

14-December-2021 Tuesday
The ECHR ordered Russia to pay 370 thousand euros to Margarita Gracheva, to whom her husband cut off her hands

08-December-2021 Wednesday
Bastrykin criticized the IC departments because of the increase in the number of acquittals. During the year, Russian courts acquitted less than 1% of defendants

07-December-2021 Tuesday
In the UAE, the length of the working week was reduced to four and a half days. And they refused to take a day off on Friday.

11-November-2021 Thursday
The Prosecutor General's Office demanded the liquidation of the "International Memorial"

30-October-2021 Saturday
"This is a serious problem." The head of Rosfinmonitoring said that the in-game currency in shooters is used to finance terrorism

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