Reddit (link), Work

29-May-2024 Wednesday
What's the most ridiculous rule you've had to follow at work?

25-May-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “She’s lying all the time. This cannot happen - VamerEke. Our people there are happy with everything"

16-May-2024 Thursday
What kind of unpleasant or simply unusual work do many people not want to do (or maybe don’t even know about its existence)?

02-May-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “What is the creepiest or most unpleasant thing you have done for money?”

30-March-2024 Saturday
FUCK, forcing my wife to quit her job because she kisses her boss?

29-March-2024 Friday
Guys of working professions, have women ever asked you to have sex right at work? What did you do and why?

05-February-2024 Monday
If you had to quit without notice, tell us what was the last straw

17-January-2024 Wednesday
My husband convinced me to take a job at his company, hoping it would help him stop cheating.

16-December-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post “What was the strangest question you were asked at an interview and what happened next?”

15-December-2023 Friday
What was the strangest question you were asked at an interview and what happened next?

13-November-2023 Monday
Am I an asshole for telling my brother that his metre-long beard and hair look unprofessional?

06-November-2023 Monday
I (25M) am no longer attracted to my girlfriend (22F) since she graduated from college and started working.

21-October-2023 Saturday
Am I an asshole for throwing away a co-worker's sweater?

05-October-2023 Thursday
Am I an asshole for responding to and attaching inappropriate messages from a co-worker via work email?
