Риа Новости, Serbia

26-May-2023 Friday
Kosovo problems: the situation is heating up

17-January-2023 Tuesday
The first volunteers from Serbia began combat training in the Zaporozhye region

08-January-2023 Sunday
Serbian President Vucic: NATO rejected request to bring police and army into Kosovo

11-December-2022 Sunday
Kosovo police occupied a facility on a dam in the north of the province, media reported

23-September-2022 Friday
Map of the World with the ups and downs taking place in the World, in Real time. World events

10-September-2022 Saturday
EU demanded that Serbia choose a side in the situation with Russia, Vucic said

05-September-2022 Monday
This is the end: Winter in Europe will be colder than in Siberia / Unrest in Europe over gas / The Hague demands gas from Putin

28-August-2022 Sunday
Continuation of the post ""Daria Dugina - eternal memory!": Fans of the Serbian "Red Star" under "Katyusha" unfurled a poster in memory of Daria Dugina"

11-June-2022 Saturday
In Serbia, the former head of the SBU was detained with cash and precious stones

06-June-2022 Monday
Zakharova commented on the refusal of three countries to let Lavrov's plane through

08-April-2022 Friday
Serbian authorities will request information from Russia and NATO on the fighter jet near the passenger plane of Air Serbia

07-April-2022 Thursday
Vucic explained why Serbia supported the freezing of Russia's participation in the UN HRC
