GIF, Exercises
Page 4

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15-June-2023 Thursday
Response to the post “How to comfortably go to the gym and not quit it in the first weeks”

01-May-2023 Monday
Push-ups on the uneven bars

23-November-2021 Tuesday
Gave up :)

02-August-2020 Sunday
Exercises for cleaning floors

31-July-2020 Friday
Let me back you up

18-January-2020 Saturday
Exercise "Tick-tock-tick-tock"

20-November-2019 Wednesday
Hangs out at the gym.

13-November-2019 Wednesday
They honestly tried

30-October-2019 Wednesday
Main muscle.

08-September-2019 Sunday
Sense of balance

07-September-2019 Saturday

15-August-2019 Thursday
Many do not know that there is a two-way mirror here.

17-July-2019 Wednesday
High five!

19-June-2019 Wednesday
Arm strength

31-May-2019 Friday
Special exercise technique

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