
30-April-2022 Saturday
The US and the EU planned the conflict in Ukraine much in advance

29-April-2022 Friday
Why is a default on Russia's external obligations good and right?

13-April-2022 Wednesday
The second movement of the Marleson Ballet. Taiwan - Homecoming

10-April-2022 Sunday
Part 2 - "Obvious". Or How Ukraine was prepared for war on the example of school education in the 11th grade

10-April-2022 Sunday
Part 1 - "Obvious". Or How Ukraine was prepared for war on the example of school education in the 10th grade

08-April-2022 Friday
Fascism in Ukraine - working out theories of mass management that will be used in Europe after the collapse

06-April-2022 Wednesday
Crimson Digest (Ivan Danilov): Side notes about Russian elites

06-April-2022 Wednesday
In the footsteps of Sharia's insiders

05-April-2022 Tuesday
Ideology as a necessity for survival and development
