
06-April-2024 Saturday
Reply to Anonymous in “I’m soon 34 years old and what would I tell my 20-year-old self”

25-February-2024 Sunday
Parable. Live in the moment

25-January-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Challenge 40+”

04-July-2023 Tuesday
worldly wisdom

26-June-2023 Monday
folk wisdom

25-June-2023 Sunday
Hi everyone!) How do you like the latest changes? How do you feel?

07-May-2023 Sunday
What is the difference between a smart person and a stupid one?

17-April-2023 Monday
Beautiful parable

04-April-2023 Tuesday
J. Brown Jr. - to his son. Part 5 and final

13-March-2023 Monday
We need to look for the positive in everything!

08-January-2023 Sunday
Marker of the advent of old age

26-December-2022 Monday
My worldly wisdom

28-November-2022 Monday
worldly wisdom

28-September-2022 Wednesday
Aphorisms 2012 - continued

20-September-2022 Tuesday
The real story of those who always suffer
