best comments
Why you need a seat belt
Ernest Hemingway once bet that he would write the shortest story that could move anyone. He won the argument:
Illegality and Wi-fi
How do children appear
The owner of the Ural plant beat a taxi driver
Schoolchildren check.
Wildberries cashing a credit card
Lack of 230 tons. rub.
Deftly she with a chair
He is an excellent specialist, he needs to be changed urgently.
A good option for a private house
A small continuation of the story with cameras in the locker rooms of the Familia store.
How do children appear
Little adviser
After a high-profile wedding in Krasnodar, Baskov and Meladze were asked to sing for free at the Orenburg Charitable Foundation
The taxi driver successfully shot back
Wild honey mmmm delicious
I didn't lie
be careful
Why am I pissing in a bottle
Old Believers
In captivity of the body itself.
Waiting to be rescued
There is water on Mars.
Reply to the post "Windows 10 activation without KMS"
Not for their own
Reaction of the designer who created this bridge
Schoolchildren check.
Flew 60km/h
It's good that Kuzya was always at home
My quails.
Foreign Ministry trolling of the highest level
Life hack: if you don't want to take it with you
Left for a long time and dried up the toilet
In Novosibirsk, a guide dog was killed by electric current from a trolley bus: a blind mistress had a hysterics from shock
Embassy of the Russian Federation in Astana today
unhappy squirrel
Left for a long time and dried up the toilet
Hallucinations and 100 thousand dollars: a poker player who closed himself in a dark room for several weeks
Raise the sails!
How to steal a song with millions of views
And there are no children
Serious questions before bed
Waiting to be rescued
Cavitation in a bottle at 82,000 frames per second
The hard work of a stewardess
Response to the post "The court banned Yandex from recruiting taxi drivers without a license"
Circles that don't move, don't change size or shape
Life hack)
Cinema. Replacing the screen after the "war with the Nazis".
Why are Maine Coons pigs?
Make Sasha
F - Greed
Non-traditional system administration
Congratulations to Germany, it is faced with the Russian housing and communal services
Water splash constructions
Navigator shows me like this
Reply to the post "The habit of joking"
Help find the bastards
Kiev Front Door
What a great neural network Yandex has)))
Dairy department from July 1, 2019
Army humor
Break to break
About greed.
Can turquoise keep the lead?
Aunt, I don't work here!
How do children appear
Reply to the post "What kind of cattle"
Products from Belarus, for which you are not ashamed
Manicure is a responsible matter
Life hack
How we became "raiders" because of the forest harvesting.
disney princess
“Epic Fuckoff” for 4000 usd.
A matter of life and death
static charge
False champion.
Reply to the post "Bad weather in Moscow"
Response to the post "Guy Ritchie suffered from Ukrainian gangsters"
Eh time
Car service bred.
Elementary Teachers VS Porn
FSC number 1 or how I got burned
A lurking danger
Consequences of feeding a fox
Response to the post "Specialist"
In Novosibirsk, a guide dog was killed by electric current from a trolley bus: a blind mistress had a hysterics from shock
Yandex again figured out how to skin customers
Times are tough.
heavy conversation
Another Russian Post fail
A small continuation of the story with cameras in the locker rooms of the Familia store.
Mercedes in resin
Transportation of children 12 hours a day, without a break, 6 days a week. How do I stop this?
Most visited page
Too relaxing music in the store
Moldovan humor
Boyfriend left wedding ring on girlfriend's computer
The head of the British manufacturer of body armor PPSS Body Armor clearly demonstrates why it is not shameful to wear thin armor
chicken flavor)
Advertising with loudspeakers under the windows with circling recording
Catholic school in Australia had to cover up a new statue because of its ambiguity
A small event in the past and a big change in the future
Surveillance cameras over fitting rooms.
A little gun humor
Oh, I ran in vain
Lemon liqueur.
Fools village
Manifesto of Economic Struggle. 06.07.2022
Deception all around
Forever these Brits cut everything
Give me a light!
Three animations that show that the speed of light is frustratingly slow
Asked to count? I counted!
Nothing special, just a bucket of mosquitoes))
Furfur you say?
Documents found.
That's the letter...
How to wrap a 3D Mobius strip around a torus
Motherland hears you
Post 10338221
A little bit about COVID from a medic
Thanks mate for the warning...
Damn, the Ukrainians are lucky
The best wallpapers for your desktop
Well, good hunting, stalker...
Lawyer's Notes Part 378
Mined 30 million rubles.
Sounds weird
Ufa sends greetings to Krasnoyarsk
Fixies sort out the engine
no hand no problem
Transportation of children 12 hours a day, without a break, 6 days a week. How do I stop this?
Looking for a developer of an old program [Solved]
Circles that don't move, don't change size or shape
improvised tools
Boomerang effect
A Little Piggy New Year
One Taxi Support Service
Reply to post "Letters"
Not a psycho, but a pikaper
Typical day at the construction site
No response, no complaints
No response, no complaints
Watch as much as I can
A tablet was found in the Sheremetyevo toilet. Terminal D
Vaccination certificate is now valid for six months
To whom to write from the stars?
Got up and went
Russian Pension Fund
When I just got out of the gym
Eternal problem
The battery burned the wiring of the customer's car. The life of an auto parts store.
Microsoft will ban swearing everywhere.
Interplanetary chat.
Amazon patents a wristband that monitors workers' hands
AUE and pioneer movement
Law enforcement agencies began checking the medical tragedy in Arzamas
On the evening of October 4, 2019, a schoolgirl, born in 2004, returned home, who left home on December 31, 2018
When self-defense tips from experience
Workout ended quickly
Temple of Ajmer Sharif in India. Kazan weighs 4800 kilograms and was created by Emperor Akbar about 450 years ago
Two men and a cat
about brazilian food
Eh time
One coconut, two coconut - better wipe your nose!
When the doctor told you to spend more time in nature to relieve stress
In the wake of stories about nicknames
Intel vs AMD
In the meantime, Google is making changes to Chrome.
Memories of the army.
Fireman after work
In Yekaterinburg attacked activists who declared war on delay
Yes, I will do the same tomorrow.
devilish chrome
No response, no complaints
Tough detentions of square defenders began in Yekaterinburg
Detention of the RDK
I believe the time will come
The phrase: "We planted Dicaprio" takes on a new meaning.
DJs in our time
View video on peekaboo
The oldest monk on earth
3 hits on armor
Rich life
In Tyumen, a mother taught her lichinus how to vape
How terpily pisses me off that do not drive on the side of the road
Why am I pissing in a bottle
This is what betrayal looks like
Full video of the battle, where two soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reached for machine guns while trying to take them prisoner
Faucet in Peugeot
Safety engineering
Welcome to Cherepovets
The official accepted the house in Saratov without an elevator, gas, water and electricity
Drinking companion
Tragedy in two acts
Yandex. Strike
Gentlemen of french pickups, please help
Where do they take in old farts ...
Crime and Savory Punishment
Manatee drinks from a hose
When the line between good and bad is blurred
"Ridiculous, no matter what..."
Do not grow old in soul
Reply to the post "Last tune"
When the drunk came home
The solution we were looking for
Due to a fire in a shopping center in the Kemerovo region, an emergency mode was introduced
Missing girl in Primorye found sleeping in an embrace with a homeless kitten
When the owner came to the shop
Development of computer games
Fire victims from Ostashkov were forbidden to rebuild houses on the ashes, as this is a “cultural heritage”
Our installers burn.
Owl is an effective manager.
Bad people.
A young Kemerovo woman was convicted of having sex with a teenager
Sysadmin Kolya
In a taxi and in a scarf
Transportation of children 12 hours a day, without a break, 6 days a week. How do I stop this?
For rubles
How picky are you?
Volitional decision
Free wi-fi, take the password
About condoms
F - Greed
When is it time for a teacher to retire?
At low tide, the baby shark did not have time to swim away, but people saved him
What a scoundrel!