worst comments
China bans homosexuality from TV
Enlightened Europe vs Mordor
On the wave of posts about signs in cities
How one man ruined the life of the whole country ...
Russia is to blame again .... Fired
Russia is to blame again .... Fired
This victory will cost two.
This victory will cost two.
Dear pikabushniki-Muscovites.
“Prison is a place of relaxation and comfort” Old people dream of going to jail. There you can hide from boredom and poverty.
Avto.ru even more greed.
"service" from Thermaltake
"service" from Thermaltake
Apparently they often write complaints and appeals "from the heart"
Video card RX 570 and the mystery of non-working graphics.
This victory will cost two.
This victory will cost two.
Capricious mouse.
The Ship. Key
Everyone is posting screenshots, and here is the video.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus did not stand aside
Steampunk or not steampunk?
How haters try to poison the holiday.
How haters try to poison the holiday.
Tried with a friend shooting on shutter speed
Real estate agent's lie: "The apartment didn't burn down, they just didn't do repairs for a long time"
Collectors feel complete impunity
"service" from Thermaltake
It turns out everything was possible, you just had to ask!
Vinyl sticker for macbook pro
Review of Might & Magic Heroes VII from the League of Gamers Peekaboo
Review of Might & Magic Heroes VII from the League of Gamers Peekaboo
Wow, those quality episodes.
Belarusian cheeses
Belarusian cheeses
Asians in China-3 Food
So that there are no questions later.
Avito and Avto.Ru completely closed car numbers on their classifieds sites.
When instead of a vat of acid fell into a vat of protein
Scam with the sale of an apartment
Dedicated to Vita Tsoi. Earth rest in peace to him.
Dedicated to Vita Tsoi. Earth rest in peace to him.
Batina mustard
How I taught a lesson to a security guard in Sportmaster