zed.sh comments, page 5

[11] [6] [5] [4] [1]

07-July-2019 Sunday
Rice noodles are not a sentence

06-July-2019 Saturday
About vigilant informers

06-July-2019 Saturday
Why lose weight "to the sea"?

30-June-2019 Sunday
When there are many wishes, but little money.

26-June-2019 Wednesday
A cyclist was killed by a cyclist

26-June-2019 Wednesday
Why are there almost no people with Down syndrome in Iceland?

19-June-2019 Wednesday
Make a fool pray to God ...

18-June-2019 Tuesday
Efficient way to check for gas leaks (Mexican way)

17-June-2019 Monday
Legal Stories #158: Let the government pay

13-June-2019 Thursday
Photo Studio Story #44: Info Gypsy

12-June-2019 Wednesday
VPN apps are leading in the Kazakhstani AppStore

10-June-2019 Monday
About future "professionals" ...

08-June-2019 Saturday
Altruism or stupidity?

06-June-2019 Thursday
How I drank beer and caroused at 11

06-June-2019 Thursday
23 Unexpected Facts About Jackie Chan

02-June-2019 Sunday
I have an iphone

[11] [6] [5] [4] [1]
