z7895123 comments, page 82

[82] [81] [1]

13-December-2024 Friday
Post #12131641

29-November-2024 Friday
Reply to the post "Am I an asshole?"

22-November-2024 Friday
While 51% of Russians who have no savings are discussing the "nut", the rate of the dirty green paper has broken 100. That's all

19-October-2024 Saturday
Reply to morko in "U*ods in your society"

13-October-2024 Sunday
A souvenir banknote of 3000 rubles appeared on Aliexpress Kyiv

11-October-2024 Friday
In Kyiv, the TCC organized a hunt for visitors to the concert of the rock band "Okean Elzy"

08-October-2024 Tuesday
About Discord blocking

02-October-2024 Wednesday
Euro-three-room apartment? What kind of fashion is this?

[82] [81] [1]
