best comments
Top 5 questions that will make raccoon owners hate you.
Where are my 17 years...
Chocolate penguin. I tried :D
Is it just me or was it a hint?
The most dangerous animals in the world
Don't be afraid, I will save you!
Regular questions from buyers
My first long post
There was news in the media about the suicide attempt of retired Rear Admiral of the Navy Vyacheslav Apanasenko. Here is what his daughter wrote.
If anything, call Lyokha!
Top 5 questions that will make raccoon owners hate you.
when you have a daughter
Raise to the top!!! URGENTLY I will give a Dalmatian puppy to the kindest hands. Comments for minuses inside
Stumbling on the Career Ladder (Part 3)
The cat's joy looks like this... :D
These strange dogs
Speaking of "cute" moms.
Progress and women
Checking a post about a donut coffee shop in Chelny
My work place...
These are the clients I have at work.
Waiter tales. Part 4
A story about Fedor, a domestic boar that considers himself a dog))) Sorry, this is my first long post
Talent grows
The previous owners named him the Volt, but the name Joule would have been more suitable for him.
Hell and hate in planes and terminals
And again about the found wallet
Speaking of "cute" moms.
What sour cream?
Speaking of "cute" moms.
Scammers with Avito, under the guise of traffic police officers. Be careful!
Saved myself
Chinese woman tries Russian food
First snow
Waiter tales. Part 4
Life story
The morning does not begin with coffee
Found a dog!
A small savings for parents whose children are in school. And you spend less money and the child is pleased :)
My work place...
The father could not stand the torment of the cat on hot summer days.
Saved myself
About anesthesia
Speaking of "cute" moms.
knows what he's talking about)
Professional deformation
In one of the Petersburg hospitals.
The previous owners named him the Volt, but the name Joule would have been more suitable for him.
For all
Need help from experts
My work place...
My little hobby
I would train with them
Thoughts of a New Driver
Don't be afraid, I will save you!
It happens)
Little heroine from the city of Valdai
Confused in life. Revelation.
Is it just me or was it a hint?
Happy birthday!
Oh, the kitten is freezing, I'll take it home ... AAAAASTSUKOBLEAT!!!
These strange dogs
when a dog can't swim
You need to thump and hammer a bolt on everything ...
Blonde albatross.
Well, a very cultured cat!
Need help from experts
Work at the Russian Post
I want the best, but it turns out as always.
I do not understand
In a large family, something is not clicked
Interesting Dalmatian)
When a dog is not needed, there is Fedya, Fedya 240 kg of wild pig delight 4K VIDEO
Fresh movies for the weekend
About immortals. I'm a girl driving!
Who bought the garland, that I) All with the onset of winter
In response to "how to save wallpaper"
Thanks man!
Sometimes you want the way it was in childhood ...
If you feel like you can't take it anymore, go into the kitchen, stay for ten seconds, calm down, and go back to hell
My cat is a real man! After all, real men love borscht!
10 Things You Didn't Know About 'Friends'
I will give the cat to the good hands of Izhevsk
My fun life.
Need help from experts
Family ties
Puzzles from the USSR
eye exercises.
Need help from experts
Cat Neutralization
Dandelion Dance Fantasies
pleasant disappointment
It's time for revenge.
What to talk about with a female stylist / art director?
What to talk about with a female stylist / art director?
Compilation of idiocy from social media
Abandoned wife
When a dog is not needed, there is Fedya, Fedya 240 kg of wild pig delight 4K VIDEO
Neighbors are duck lovers.
Comrade athletes, pitching, strongmen and strongwomen, a question for you
Raise to the top!!! URGENTLY I will give a Dalmatian puppy to the kindest hands. Comments for minuses inside
Snorted into the void
Waiter's Notes #3: An Unexpected Twist
eye exercises.
I don’t know about the beard, but I know how to grow hair!
My work place...
Need help from experts
Harsh Chelyabinsk gas sellers
Do you know what it's like to live alone?
Well, what if you're lucky? =)
Dalmatian who never had puppies feeds her cat
Need help from experts
Need help from experts
Need help from experts
Need help from experts
And I tried..
One negative
Slavic animal horoscope
Guys I'm losing weight from 193 kg now, I can't upload the video, support plz! =)
Treat your pet :)
Individual entrepreneurship.
Individual entrepreneurship.
Individual entrepreneurship.
You need to be careful when you put on a jacket with Mickey Mouse on your belt
I'm proud of them!
It's hard to disagree
Citizen parents!
Citizen parents!
About stubborn vegans
I do not understand
I do not understand
Gift for a girl
Speaking of "cute" moms.
Speaking of "cute" moms.
Raise to the top!!! URGENTLY I will give a Dalmatian puppy to the kindest hands. Comments for minuses inside
Raise to the top!!! URGENTLY I will give a Dalmatian puppy to the kindest hands. Comments for minuses inside
Peekaboo, I need your help!
The beauty of the Urals
Dear Pikabu! There is a huge request!
For those who are not in the tank yet)
Unusual kitten found on a farm
Fell asleep in the bathroom