05-June-2022 Sunday
butt recursion
30-April-2022 Saturday
Response to the post "A Finger Cracks"
26-March-2022 Saturday
Toilet paper replacement
01-March-2022 Tuesday
Response to the post "Question..."
26-February-2022 Saturday
An underrated masterpiece
25-February-2022 Friday
Response to the post "What a strange teacher"
24-February-2022 Thursday
The best shoes for the Russian spring
16-January-2022 Sunday
Response to the post "Peekaboo is pitiful." Empathetic sleep and a knife under the pillow are my habits because of drinking parents
11-November-2021 Thursday
About the benefits of alternative medicine
22-October-2021 Friday
But I just googled the prices of video cards ...
09-October-2021 Saturday
But the diver is small...
08-October-2021 Friday
Reply to the post "Duty to the Motherland ..."
19-September-2021 Sunday
Need advice from a child support lawyer
27-August-2021 Friday
Draft - invisible
27-August-2021 Friday
Did not have time...
25-August-2021 Wednesday
Reply to the post "How children get lost or mom" overlooked ""
18-August-2021 Wednesday
Dinosaurs are not extinct. They are among us...
22-July-2021 Thursday
Electric scooter is their secret sign
21-July-2021 Wednesday
cat printer
04-July-2021 Sunday
Scoliosis treatment. Inexpensive
30-June-2021 Wednesday
Punitive medicine, or how doctors killed my child's health
30-June-2021 Wednesday
Reply to Anatoly's post
21-May-2021 Friday
Reply to the post "A little about geese ..."