yss64 posts
30-June-2023 Friday
Russia cannot be defeated when everyone has personal reserves
13-October-2019 Sunday
RPKN - Russian Party of Indigenous Peoples.
28-September-2019 Saturday
Sale of real red caviar under the guise of artificial.
08-March-2015 Sunday
Aphorisms... (continued...thanks to those who subscribed)))...)
05-March-2015 Thursday
Aphorisms... (continued... I'm waiting for the next (-4)... I don't understand why not (-200) .... so we still read it?))))
03-March-2015 Tuesday
Aphorisms ... (I'm going to minus 200 !!!)
01-March-2015 Sunday
"To be offended by people is like being offended by bad weather." (Hurray! Soon minus 200!!!...))))
28-February-2015 Saturday
"Ignore from a fool - like an ax on a rail" (I'm waiting for minuses from honestly poking someone else's ...)))) I'm going to minus 200 !!!))) I'm going to ram !!!)
27-February-2015 Friday
"And in the herd of sheep there are wolves and sheep." (That is, minus and plus. I'm going to minus 200 !!!)
25-February-2015 Wednesday
Man is weak before God, space and time. But he must be strong before his like.
24-February-2015 Tuesday
Thoughts are constantly flowing like jets of a spring, and there are also pure and cloudy ones, and everyone chooses from which source to drink.