yiotro posts

16-October-2013 Wednesday
Boxing (long post)

13-October-2013 Sunday

12-October-2013 Saturday
Web 1.0 (long post)

11-October-2013 Friday
Shipwreck (long post)

10-October-2013 Thursday
About hurricanes (long post)

09-October-2013 Wednesday
How to Survive a Nuclear Explosion (long post)

09-October-2013 Wednesday
Tetris (long post)

08-October-2013 Tuesday
Symbian era

08-October-2013 Tuesday
Compound bows (long post)

07-October-2013 Monday
Facts about India

07-October-2013 Monday
Crossbows (long post)

07-October-2013 Monday
Long post about cannibalism

27-August-2013 Tuesday
Maniac Onoprienko dies in Ukrainian prison

25-August-2013 Sunday
At the crime scene

25-August-2013 Sunday
My classmate

25-August-2013 Sunday
When I see a pretty girl
