yak4995 posts

18-August-2013 Sunday
When your friends see you chewing gum...

01-July-2013 Monday
Atheist proves that there is a God

14-June-2013 Friday
For history lovers

08-June-2013 Saturday
The new name of Brovastik's girlfriend)

30-May-2013 Thursday
VK comments please)

22-May-2013 Wednesday
cool story

14-May-2013 Tuesday
Here is such an advertisement in Kyiv

02-April-2013 Tuesday
magazine advertisement on kiosk

21-March-2013 Thursday
make it hurt!!!

03-March-2013 Sunday
cops and 2 goose)))

25-February-2013 Monday
Unforgettable girl

04-February-2013 Monday
About most modern films

06-January-2013 Sunday
Racism in Word-e

19-November-2012 Monday
The Ukrainian capital has taken first place in the ranking of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe recently.

16-November-2012 Friday
Why do we love Kyiv?

09-November-2012 Friday
Ukrainian program "DNA. Portrait of a Nation"

05-November-2012 Monday
Partial challenge to a post about sexism http://pikabu.ru/story/o_seksizme_na_pikabu_790277
