ya.madzone comments, page 2

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10-October-2020 Saturday
I see the target - I'm going to ram

18-September-2020 Friday
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"

07-August-2020 Friday
Camera ports 37777 and 8000

09-July-2020 Thursday
Post #7574792

01-June-2020 Monday
Today in the suburbs of Belgorod it was “slightly” windy

22-May-2020 Friday
Stray dogs in the city

19-April-2020 Sunday
Karelia now. Ladoga

05-February-2020 Wednesday
How I drank beaver stream

04-February-2020 Tuesday
I'm asking for advice

27-December-2019 Friday
Japanese year-round greenhouse "Sayuri" in Yakutsk at -50C* part -1

10-December-2019 Tuesday
How people go crazy

09-December-2019 Monday
Again about shoes. Men's low shoes Caterpillar Camberwell

03-December-2019 Tuesday
Problem, 6th grade

02-December-2019 Monday
Now in a convenient package

02-December-2019 Monday
A resident of Karelia saved a baby squirrel, and now the animal lives in his home, eats nuts and is friends with the cat.

28-November-2019 Thursday
Mirror-recorder. Is it worth it?

27-November-2019 Wednesday

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