best comments
A friend ordered Christmas trees with Avito ...
As I understood...
What's an achievement?
When I decided to watch a movie to distract myself a bit... (Tattooed, 1968)
Response to the post “Cosmonauts reacted sharply to the possible awarding of Peresild with the Hero of Russia star”
Does Russian Railways sell numbers?
Adults and the Internet
When the marketer meant something completely different...
Tech support days
Response to the post "Graduation in the Garden"
About trust in visitors.
Noise chambers in the Netherlands
And he said that we’ll go empty or a minibus to Dubai
How to make an accident and not answer having a number A058MP57 (Comic)
Let's remember the old logo...
Reply to the post “Do good and throw it into the water”
Your rights during sick leave, holidays and more.
We don't need lawyers here!
Velograde.ru review divorce
Were happy to help!
Romance and enterprise
And he said that we’ll go empty or a minibus to Dubai
Big Brother.
Tax payment season 2017
Where to complain about migrants?
Execution of a real Witch
Reply to the post "What an achievement?"
Reply to the post "What an achievement?"
Today on planet Earth
Nothing will happen. Officials cancel the exhibition of poster modeling.
Your rights during sick leave, holidays and more.
Alfa insurance brazenly steal money from the card
Dying OSAGO and maximum payments
Trying to buy a Geely
Big Brother.
Low bow...
7 articles of the labor code
November 7, 1891 - The prototype of the zipper is invented
When I bought a ship from the Chinese ...
We are athletes too
How they ran away from me on a date
Your rights during sick leave, holidays and more.
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A trifle, but nice
It's not my name!
In the Urals, an ambulance refused to go to a child with a temperature of 39.8
Thanks!!!! Reducing the interest rate on the Sberbank mortgage (based on the post of the same name) or "How I fought with the bank ... Episode 3"
Witnesses of the alternative.
Do you want beans? And fuck you...
How I was bitten by a hard one ...
Individual tuition in a public school
Romance and enterprise
Honor or dishonor
Returning goods to MVideo
Returning goods to MVideo
Returning goods to MVideo
Fraudsters registered IP
How to save for your retirement
Do not store files in the trash
Where are you all going?
Nothing will happen. Officials cancel the exhibition of poster modeling.
About magical asphalt