worst comments
What you will not find on Estonian farms...
What you will not find on Estonian farms...
I almost bought a new printer. Issue price - 6 kopecks!
I almost bought a new printer. Issue price - 6 kopecks!
Mother warrior...
I almost bought a new printer. Issue price - 6 kopecks!
Thieves' rates
Thieves' rates
We won the megaphone!
On the subject of ROSGOSSTRAKH, for that matter...
Instead of 1000 words
In a purple odnushka bathroom right next to the neighbors in the apartment
My inner Jew was jubilant.
We won the megaphone!
Spies everywhere)) Screenshot from the women's forum
Proposal to manufacturers of kitchen sets.
Megaphone. Disabling the fee for a missed call in your account.
Who has the longest?
Bouquet for husband :)
My inner Jew was jubilant.
In a purple odnushka bathroom right next to the neighbors in the apartment