best comments
"I think my friend's dwarf salt shaker is hiding something..."
The essence of gangsta rap
Ostankino is on fire. The scenery of channel 1 is burning. Ernst in the comments
Fighting Poverty in America
Do not sculpt me from plastic.
Drawing for April 1 (Long post)
"Interesting facts" and their refutation or confirmation
Online creation of long posts
An unusual example of friendship between a dog and a man.
Horse suits (long post)
I love my motherland...
Experiment in Kronstadt
Fulfillment of DZ, with Kote)))
Good fasting
Too early to be proud!!
Top 5 deadliest companies in the world!
No more Yagi!
There was an Opel, there was a bathyscaphe
And you?
Some interesting facts.
Moving to Vietnam: first impressions
Orchestra of the VV MVD anneals
A little experiment
so what do you think
It hurts, there is no strength. Save!
Geologist since 1997