27-June-2014 Friday
Why should I, because of the base whim of two poor creatures, have to suffer in this stinking world?!
27-June-2014 Friday
When a story was filmed about your village on REN TV.
27-June-2014 Friday
Has anyone suggested Cold? If yes, then perhaps I will raise the topic.
27-June-2014 Friday
27-June-2014 Friday
Damn stereotypes...
27-June-2014 Friday
What happens if you take away the phone in the ghetto?
27-June-2014 Friday
A little cad'a looking at night
27-June-2014 Friday
When you want to play with a friend, but some bastard comes in)
27-June-2014 Friday
Harsh Russian sandboxes
27-June-2014 Friday
How lonely I am...
27-June-2014 Friday
Candlelight sex is very romantic
27-June-2014 Friday
Yes, Yandex, that's what I was looking for
27-June-2014 Friday
Video 4K
27-June-2014 Friday
Steam Summer Sale
27-June-2014 Friday
27-June-2014 Friday
So I realized that I no longer have a balcony
27-June-2014 Friday
Everyone lie down, the police are working!
23-June-2014 Monday
That feeling ...
02-June-2014 Monday
About the first steps in a relationship and impudence =)
29-June-2013 Saturday
good at pretending)