xMoonlight comments, page 2

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19-October-2014 Sunday
I bought this device a couple of years ago, but I forgot to clarify what it is and how to deal with it.

19-October-2014 Sunday
These films

19-October-2014 Sunday
I don't even know how to joke

16-October-2014 Thursday
Sanctions? No, have not heard...

13-October-2014 Monday

13-October-2014 Monday
Well hello

13-October-2014 Monday
Some shit...

13-October-2014 Monday
I bought this beauty today: 3 Xonar D1 sound card

13-October-2014 Monday
I started to rivet this in Photoshop, what's wrong with me?

13-October-2014 Monday
YouTube you're drunk, go learn Russian...

12-October-2014 Sunday
Useful pills that you can buy at any pharmacy.

11-October-2014 Saturday
"I work as a welder and when I get tired, I take my pet dwarf out of my pocket, put it on my shoulder and it works for me"

11-October-2014 Saturday
Cotton beard)

11-October-2014 Saturday
Owners of small pans will understand

11-October-2014 Saturday
Tick ??tock

11-October-2014 Saturday
On the subject of toys

11-October-2014 Saturday
"-Watchdog, we're not going to introduce you to another dog! We're going to the veterinarian to castrate you!"

11-October-2014 Saturday
Incendiary Cube.

11-October-2014 Saturday
Air conditioner.

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