xKsu comments, page 2

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24-July-2013 Wednesday
Russian cattle.

18-June-2013 Tuesday
Modern Romeo and Juliet

17-June-2013 Monday
The cat is nominated for mayor of a Mexican city.

17-June-2013 Monday
TP everywhere

13-June-2013 Thursday
Expectation and reality

10-June-2013 Monday
the first time I'm afraid of a flower)

09-June-2013 Sunday
I will continue to post my drawings-arts on the tracks of the band pendulum

07-June-2013 Friday
Childhood fears

07-June-2013 Friday
This is how we work

06-June-2013 Thursday
Brace yourself

06-June-2013 Thursday
To make sure you don't miss

06-June-2013 Thursday
Bom Funk Mc's - Freestyle

06-June-2013 Thursday
what did Lenin do to him?

06-June-2013 Thursday
I want a girl like this...

05-June-2013 Wednesday
Thoughts of my dog

04-June-2013 Tuesday
You don't like my cat, maybe this will do?

04-June-2013 Tuesday
I recently started watching House on the advice of a friend.

04-June-2013 Tuesday
And again the magic of Pikabu!

04-June-2013 Tuesday
:( and so on all the time

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