x550567 posts

21-June-2024 Friday
How to shit in a toilet like this???

16-May-2024 Thursday
Hello Novosibirsk!

02-April-2024 Tuesday
Death Engine

12-January-2024 Friday
Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

25-May-2023 Thursday
I ask the help of mathematicians / trigonometricians, we cannot solve the problem Grade 10

15-March-2023 Wednesday
Why do magnetic phone cables die?

15-March-2023 Wednesday
Yandex, how so?

18-October-2022 Tuesday
Yandex reduced bonuses today

03-August-2021 Tuesday
Question for chefs, catering for 12-14 people

19-April-2021 Monday
An excellent example of the law of karma
