welcometonebo posts, page 33

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29-January-2023 Sunday
State traffic inspectors made pedestrians, and possibly pikabushniki, more noticeable

27-January-2023 Friday
In Yekaterinburg there is a commotion at Sortirovka, a lot of police. Telling what happened

27-January-2023 Friday
Salt narcotic skinned someone else's bookmark and did not even have time to sniff

24-January-2023 Tuesday
A man from Yekaterinburg bought panties and booze. Let's talk about what came out of it.

24-January-2023 Tuesday
The student went to gear. The boy took money from pensioners at the request of scammers

17-January-2023 Tuesday
Trouble in Yekaterinburg! The police raids, we tell who they are looking for

17-January-2023 Tuesday
The thief poked everything that came to hand. Even pikabushniks could become victims

15-January-2023 Sunday
Teenagers got into a fight over a table at a food court in a Yekaterinburg shopping center

11-January-2023 Wednesday
This is horror! The police were shocked by the refrigerator of a dysfunctional family

11-January-2023 Wednesday
Pickabushniks from Nizhny Tagil were told about the detention of a herbal huckster. The details shocked everyone.

09-January-2023 Monday
Narik took a bookmark, because he is not at all sweet. Passed by the cops, a commotion began

06-January-2023 Friday
They say that the huckster came to Nizhny Tagil to poison pick-ups with rubbish, but this is not certain

29-December-2022 Thursday
The police did not allow the pick-ups to buy methanol and thus saved them

27-December-2022 Tuesday
Pikabushnikov and ordinary citizens were caught on the roads of Yekaterinburg if they got behind the wheel drunk

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