weakoss comments, page 16

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03-July-2018 Tuesday
Continuing to work on yourself to lose weight and improve.

25-May-2018 Friday
With an uncontested choice of two opposite entities...

14-May-2018 Monday
From heaven to earth.

12-April-2018 Thursday
Well, I really need a ball!

05-April-2018 Thursday
Boudoir Raven - by Evenink cosplay

06-March-2018 Tuesday
Poor streamer girls...

21-February-2018 Wednesday
Concerns grow with each new video from Boston Dynamics

09-February-2018 Friday
Where do all the grandmothers go in the morning?

07-February-2018 Wednesday
“This is a promotion and a trick”: the reaction of Roscosmos to the launch of the Falcon Heavy

01-February-2018 Thursday

31-January-2018 Wednesday
The neural network will not advise bad

15-January-2018 Monday
About women's mutual assistance

14-January-2018 Sunday
My wife left for two days...

20-December-2017 Wednesday
Misunderstood hints

14-December-2017 Thursday
About children 2. Or about fundraising on Xbox

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