warmeat posts
16-October-2014 Thursday
Winter and autumn in one photo in Udmurtia.
03-October-2014 Friday
In the United States showed a new attack helicopter Sikorsky S-97 Raider.
22-August-2014 Friday
Valley of the Yarlu River in the Altai Republic.
13-August-2014 Wednesday
Natural park Belukha in Altai.
12-July-2014 Saturday
Shrovetide of the Jurassic period in Izhevsk.
11-July-2014 Friday
In Yellowstone, roads begin to melt from the underground heat of a supervolcano.
11-July-2014 Friday
Creative approach to business in one of the hospitals in Izhevsk.
04-July-2014 Friday
Valley on fire in California from Windows XP desktop.
30-June-2014 Monday
What else do you need for perfect sleep?
26-June-2014 Thursday
Cut me half a loaf of Mistral, please.
25-June-2014 Wednesday
Noctilucent clouds over Izhevsk on the night of June 25.
22-June-2014 Sunday
Night sky over the Votkinsk reservoir.
20-June-2014 Friday
How NOT to go sailing.
20-June-2014 Friday
Deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party proposed to issue a banknote with a face value of 10 thousand rubles.
20-June-2014 Friday
White Bengal tiger cub from the Izhevsk Zoo.