warhead.su posts, page 26

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02-October-2020 Friday
A birch bark letter with spy correspondence was found in Novgorod

01-October-2020 Thursday
Out of spite for all deaths: a dead mayor was elected in Romania

01-October-2020 Thursday
Change of format: the conflict in Karabakh - a war on international terrorism?

30-September-2020 Wednesday
Small, but hardly victorious: Baku promises to fight in Karabakh until victory

30-September-2020 Wednesday
Mysterious murder in the Yellow Sea: what did Kim Jong-un apologize for?

30-September-2020 Wednesday
Asymmetrical counterattack: Yerevan threatens to recognize the Karabakh Republic

29-September-2020 Tuesday
Result of the third day of the war in Karabakh: the same plus Turkiye?

29-September-2020 Tuesday
Why do we need other planes if we have fighter-bombers?

29-September-2020 Tuesday
Hot night in Karabakh: heavy artillery is at work on the contact line

28-September-2020 Monday
The result of the second day of the war in Karabakh: 30 corpses and not a single answer - why?

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