vzapravdin comments, page 37

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16-February-2024 Friday
Tattooed Asian Woman

14-February-2024 Wednesday
In honor of the holiday!

31-January-2024 Wednesday
As Oleg used to say: - It's doubtful, but okeeee

10-January-2024 Wednesday
Turtle skateboarding, share urgently

21-December-2023 Thursday
Dedicated to Raphael diabetics

03-December-2023 Sunday

18-November-2023 Saturday
Those leaving for Northeast Military District - connection with Futurama

08-November-2023 Wednesday
The portal almost opened...

26-October-2023 Thursday
Amazing cost of cargo delivery from China - 5 deception schemes

01-October-2023 Sunday
Russian wives exposed | 2565

08-August-2023 Tuesday
In sneakers

26-July-2023 Wednesday
For the first and last time

26-July-2023 Wednesday
I'll dance a little for you

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