best comments
I love Denmark!
I love Denmark!
I love Denmark!
Cultural epic fail
I love Denmark!
Italian version of FIFA 18 cover
Windows are not a toy for children
About arrogance.
How do sailors eat?
I love Denmark!
Competitions between parents in kindergartens have begun
How do sailors eat?
I'm a mean person.
Notes of a massage therapist. Out of plot. Asked for trash - get it.
I love Denmark!
My work place
My work place
Well really!
Work as a pilot
Vacation has begun!
And in the heat and in the cold
How do sailors eat?
Once again about futile calls.
I ask for help Pikabushnikov (you need to learn to ask for help sometime)
Income and expenses in the USA, plus a little about taxes
How do sailors eat?
How do sailors eat?
Windows are not a toy for children
The best mom on earth