05-January-2024 Friday
My start
30-November-2023 Thursday
RADIO TAPOK - Troubles
14-November-2023 Tuesday
Rag in a jar of iberica olives - I ask for advice on how to proceed | part 1
27-October-2023 Friday
20-August-2023 Sunday
Always like this
15-June-2023 Thursday
Decent fantasy about hitmen that you can read
10-June-2023 Saturday
According to the pattern of a creative owl
01-June-2023 Thursday
Spine surgery
29-May-2023 Monday
I got a fine for public services, but I don’t have any means of transport
28-May-2023 Sunday
Black cat
21-May-2023 Sunday
Intervertebral hernia, disc destruction
17-May-2023 Wednesday
First experience with Buttero
14-May-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post "Old laptops for a rural school"
12-May-2023 Friday
Looking for a doctor
28-April-2023 Friday
Who has experienced paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia?
26-April-2023 Wednesday
01-April-2023 Saturday
Blue bath turned white
03-March-2023 Friday
When they didn’t lie in the vacancy, but still something is wrong ...
15-October-2022 Saturday
Asked Niva
14-October-2022 Friday
Yes please...