vlobtedam posts

17-May-2013 Friday
I hope you understand what I mean)))

17-May-2013 Friday
After this, I feel like shit, and you?

12-May-2013 Sunday
funny dudes

06-May-2013 Monday
Meat, blood, guts, zombie meat, trash

06-May-2013 Monday
"Are you still boiling? - Then we're coming to you!"

21-April-2013 Sunday
How to make money online without knowing anything.

11-April-2013 Thursday
I want to share my joy!

09-April-2013 Tuesday
That feeling when ...

07-December-2012 Friday
Who knows, will understand!

28-November-2012 Wednesday

22-November-2012 Thursday
I am V.V. Putin

19-November-2012 Monday
It rarely happens!

30-October-2012 Tuesday
Tricky question.

30-September-2012 Sunday
Zadrotstvo salvation from loneliness

02-September-2012 Sunday

30-August-2012 Thursday
Panties for growth
